Archery & Air Gun Range Range Rules

  1. Read and obey range rules while using this range. You are responsible for knowing these rules! Contact club official at if clarification is needed or to report maintenance issues.
  2. Make sure of the target you are shooting at and what is behind your target.
  3. Do not shoot arrows across lanes.
  4. Hang bows on bow hooks or benchrest prior to going down range. This let others know someone is down range.
  5. Field points only on all Bag and 3D (animal shaped) targets.
  6. Broadhead arrows used only RED targets.
  7. Air guns may only be used on metal targets, never shoot bag or 3D targets.
  8. When two or more people are utilizing a range, one must act as Range Safety Officer.
  9. Never handle air gun or bow while someone is downrange. Before anyone goes down range the Range Safety Officer must declare “Cease Fire - Range is Closed” and all air rifles / crossbows MUST be unloaded (action open or de-cocked) and placed on a rack or hook. Range Safety Officer shall verify all persons have returned before declaring “Range is Open.” Usage of empty chamber flags is highly encouraged in air guns.
  10. Any person at any time is authorized to declare “Cease Fire” for an actual or anticipated safety issue. Upon “Cease Fire” all firing is to stop immediately.
  11. Always carry air guns UNLOADED. Only load air guns when pointed down range. When not engaging targets, muzzle must be pointed straight up or straight down.
  12. No high-powered air rifles allowed. No more than 20 Foot Pounds of energy allowed.
  13. During a match, all ranges are closed (except Range 1) until match is complete. Check Club Calendar for dates and times.
  14. This is your club and a volunteer-operated facility! Please clean-up range after each use!