DIVISION | CONTACT (Blue highlight indicates email) | PHONE | GENERAL DESCRIPTION |
Action Shooting > GSSF Shoot Sig | General Action Shooting Questions Matt Johnson Aaron Armentrout (GSSF & Shoot Sig) | --- 405-637-6373 405-795-3638 | Practical shooting including USPSA, ICORE, Steel Challenge, GSSF, Shoot Sig, Practical Rifle, 3-Gun and bowling pin matches. A blend of action, speed, and accuracy |
Air Gun > | Jim Fields (Silhouette) Pearl Stonebraker (Field Target) Lindell Canary (Outdoor Benchrest) Randy Rannberg (Field Target) | 405-203-1268 405-204-5872 405-250-0385 405-205 3274 | Includes rifle and pistol each with classes for open and scope sights. A fun shooting sport for all ages. Indoor & Outdoor Benchrest events as well as Field Target Matches |
Archery > | Brad Pikula (Div. Co-chair) Rob York (Div. Co-chair) Mary Roberts (Match Director) Aaron Roberts (Match Director) | 612-799-3281 405-370-7203 405-249-5229 405-249-5230 | 3-D archery competitions throughout the spring and summer. Wide variety of realistic hunting shots on mixed hardwood and grassland range. |
Benchrest >
| David Tonne (Div. Chair) Paul Heckler (Div. Co-Chair) | 918-521-8572 405-822-4325 405-250-0385 405-822-4325 | Numerous competitions throughout the year from Fellowship Matches, .22 Tactical, Iron Sight, and Military Bolt Action Rifle. |
Pistol Range > International Pistol Women's Pistol Team | Roger Kneeland (Div. Chair) John Milligan | 405-512-2691
| Pistol competition, multiple calibers, slow fire, timed fire, and rapid fire. Very rewarding and useful for helping other disciplines. |
Cowboy Action > | 405-409-9442 | Action shooting and old west traditions. Western dress, circa 1860 - 1900; single action revolvers, lever action rifle, and a side-by-side, lever, or Model 97 pump shotgun. A sport that is fun for the whole family | |
Wild Bunch > | Jere Korthanke "RCD" | 405-615-4577 | Wild Bunch Shooting is based on turn of the century guns and dress and encourages military dress. In addition to the rifle and shotgun used for Cowboy, they use a 1911 pistol instead of two single action revolvers. |
High Power Rifle > | --- 405-513-3569 405-205-3689 | Prone matches out to 1000yds (3x600/3x1000, Fullbore, Palma, and AR Tactical), Across the Course Matches (200-600yds), and GSM Matches. Dedicated to the promotion of rifle marksmanship excellence. | |
Historic 3-Gun > | Tommy Hagar "Hondo Tweed" | 405-694-5270 | Historic 3-Gun uses 1911 semi-automatic pistols, pistol caliber lever action rifles, and 1897 or Model 12 pump shotguns |
Information | Carey Pribil | 405-613-8755 | |
Membership | Carey Pribil | 405-613-8755 | |
Muzzleloader > | 405-808-2728 405-922-9164 | Competitions with a variety of muzzleloaders | |
NRA Action Pistol > | 405-812-8223 405-621-9378 | The Moving Target event consists of shooting at a tombstone style target with a eight inch ten ring moving across the range at ten feet per second for 60 feet, or 60 feet in 6 seconds. See Bianchi Cup on YouTube or USA Shooting for more information on the four events that we shoot. | |
Plinking Range > | 405-749-6952 661-770-6147 | Informal range for all types of handgun - rimfire to center fire | |
"Primer" Newsletter > | Sandra Bent | 405-590-1047 | Monthly newsletter now also available in mobile-friendly version |
Reloading | 405-570-6534 405-250-0385 | Training in shotshell and metallic reloading. Details to follow | |
Shotgun > | Scott Parks (Div. Chair) Robert Buswell (Skeet League) Ken Mayfield (Trap League) | --- 405-615-5229 405-426-7429 405-990-8881 | Skeet and Trap shooting with a variety of competitions and shooting programs, appealing to all levels of ability |
Silhouette > Pistol Silhouette .22 F-Class Air Gun Silhouette | Todd Tullio Jim Fields (Pistol & AR Plate) Kelly McNitt (.22 F-Class) Roger Arens (AR Plate) Steve Gerot (Airgun & AR Plate) | 405-856-4050 405-203-1268 405-655-1874 405-659-0522 405-590-4037 816-351-0573 | Highpower and rimfire rifles, black powder cartridge rifle (BPCR), and handguns; metal targets representing game animals at varying distances Black Powder Cartridge Rifle (BPCR) is traditional black powder rifles circa 1870 - 1900 used in Silhouette competition NRA Cowboy Lever Action is a silhouette competition using centerfire pistol caliber lever action rifles or smallbore rifles AR Plate challenge match is for members and guests to shoot their AR-15. Any caliber on the AR platform is legal, no magnum rifle calibers. Pistol Matches vary according to pistol type and shooting position Muzzleloader Silhouette Air Gun Silhouette |
22 F-Class N50 Benchrest NRL22 CMP Sporter Rifle 22 Benchrest
| Kelly McNitt (22 F-Class) Don Faulkenbury (22 F-Class) Mike Tokar (22 F-Class) Randy Rannberg (N50) Pearl Stonebraker (N50) Phillip Brandt (NRL22) Jim Durham (Sporter Rifle) Mike Tokar (22 Benchrest) | 405-659-0522 405.328.3167 405-642 5397 405-205 3274 405-204-5872 405-520-1312 520-249-5955 405-642-5397 | Matches with .22s and airguns. See specific match links for details. |
Training > | Kemit Grafton (Div. Chair) Jim Durham (Div. Co-Chair) Jamie Meyer (Div. Co-Chair) Bryan Wilkerson (Scouts) | 405-317-9517 520-249-5955 405-613-6541 580-938-1520 | Makes available many opportunities to educate both members and the public in both safety and responsibility in many different disciplines. |
Website | John Bent | 405-229-1271 | |
Women's > | Suzi Rouse | 405-818-6125 | Introduction to various shooting disciplines in an informal format aimed at increasing participation of women including Women on Target Fun Shoot, Cowboy Action , Shotgun, Bullseye, etc. |
Youth > | Harry Teel | 405-627-4130 | Program provides the opportunity for youth in our area to experience the fun and excitement of shooting sports; Trap and Skeet, and 4-H Shooting. |
Social Media | Darrin Cranford | 405-922-3821 | Facebook & Instagram |
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