Benchrest Range Rules

  1. Read and obey range rules while using this range. You are responsible for knowing these rules! Contact club official at if clarification is needed or to report maintenance issues.
  2. Safety is paramount in all activities conducted on this range.
    1. ALWAYS Keep firearm pointed in a safe direction
    2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire
    3. ALWAYS keep your firearm unloaded until ready to use​
  3. When two or more people are utilizing this range, one must act as Range Safety Officer.
  4. NEVER handle Firearm while someone is downrange. Before anyone goes down range the Range Safety Officer must declare “Cease Fire – Range is Closed” and all firearms MUST be unloaded (magazine removed and bolt/action open) and removed from the shooting benches and placed into a gun rack. Range Safety Officer shall verify all persons have returned before declaring “Range is Open”. Usage of empty chamber flags is highly encouraged.
  5. All firearms shall be transported in a bag/case or with the muzzle straight up or straight down to and from the shooting bench or gun rack. DO NOT POINT ANY FIREARMS AT ANYONE ELSE ON THE RANGE AT ANY TIME. The only place you may handle your firearm is on the shooting bench while the firearm is pointed downrange.
  6. Do not load your firearm until you are seated at the bench and the muzzle is pointed at the targets.
  7. All shooting must be done from established firing line – No shooting forward of the benches except for approved and sanctioned events.
  8. All rounds must impact the earthen berms – no firing shall ever be directed toward side berm, or the range floor.
  9. Any person at any time is authorized to declare “Cease Fire” for an actual or anticipated safety issue. Upon “Cease Fire” all firing is to stop immediately.
  10. All firearms must remain unloaded with actions open and reasonably visible when not in use.
  11. Explosives, explosive targets, armor piercing, incendiary or tracer rounds are prohibited on this range.
  12. Only shotguns firing slugs may be used on this range. If you need to pattern bird shot, please go to the shotgun range.
  13. No makeshift targets are to be placed on the ground – no cans, bottles, etc.
  14. Prone Shooters must place road closed sign on entrance to target line before engaging targets
  15. Eye and ear protection is REQUIRED when on or near this range.
  16. This is your club and a volunteer-operated facility – please clean-up range after each use!