2025 Historic 3-Gun
World championships,
April 11 - 13

Hosted by the Oklahoma Rough  Riders

Historic 3-Gun 

In the Spotlight

We are excited to announce a new shooting sport at the Oklahoma City Gun Club!  Historic 3-Gun is an exhilarating shooting competition that incorporates the high round count and movement of traditional 3 gun with the historic guns of the early 1900's including 1911 semi-automatic pistols, pistol caliber lever action rifles, and 1897 or Model 12 pump shotguns.

This very fun new sport was brought into being with the substantial help of our very own board members, and founding members of the Oklahoma Rough Riders, Tommy Hager and JB Waltermire (better known as Hondo and EJ).  It has spread, in the few short months of its existence, to many states and even to a couple of other countries!  H3G is divided into 6 categories, each with its own group of firearms. The categories are: Traditional, Modern, Doughboy, Ranger, Audie Murphy and Bootlegger.  

Traditional:  In this Division, the pistol must be a full-size traditional 1911 with fixed sights in the style of the original 1911 or 1911 A1 issued to the U.S. military. The pistol must be shot one-handed, unsupported. A lever or pump action rifle in a pistol caliber of .40 or larger is required. A pump action shotgun originally manufactured by the end of WWI, including the 1897 and the model 12 are allowed. The 1887 lever action shotgun is allowed. All shotguns must be 12 gauge.

Modern: The pistol shall be any approved model 1911. It may be shot one-handed or two-handed. A lever or pump action rifle, in a pistol caliber of .40 or larger is required. A pump action shotgun originally manufactured by the end of WWI, including the 1897 and the model 12 are allowed. The 1887 lever action shotgun is allowed. All shotguns must be 12 gauge.

Doughboy: Any approved 1911 and shotgun are allowed. The pistol may be shot one or two-handed. A mil spec bolt action rifle issued by any country by the end of WWII is required. Rifles, or replicas, maintaining the original specifications that have been re-chambered to a different caliber (i.e. 7.62×51) are allowed. A pump action shotgun originally manufactured by the end of WWI, including the 1897 and the model 12 are allowed. The 1887 lever action shotgun is allowed. All shotguns must be 12 gauge.

Ranger: Any approved 1911 and shotgun are allowed. The pistol may be shot one-handed or two-handed. A lever action rifle in a rifle caliber originally manufactured by the end of WWI is
required. Also allowed is a newer rifle that follows the design of an earlier rifle of the required era. (Marlins and Henrys are allowed.) The model 14/141 pump rifles are allowed. Rifle receiver or tang sights are allowed. A pump action shotgun, originally manufactured by the end of WWI,
including the 1897 and the model 12, are allowed. The 1887 lever action shotgun is allowed. All shotguns must be 12 gauge.

Audie Murphy:  A U.S. M-1 carbine and approved 1911. A pump action shotgun originally manufactured by the end of WWI, including the 1897 and the model 12 are allowed. The 1887 lever action shotgun is allowed. All shotguns must be 12 gauge.

Bootlegger: This division allows a wide assortment of firearms. Using any or all of these puts a
competitor into this division. Options include:

  1. Pistol: All centerfire service pistols originally manufactured by the end of World War 2, including the 1911 45, P-38, Hi-Power, Luger, Broom Handle Mauser, Colt 1902 hammer pocket model. 1911 38 Super/9mm, 1917 Colt, Smith or Webley with shaved cylinder using 45 ACP with full or half-moon clips.
  2. Shotgun: All pump and lever action shotguns with wood furniture are allowed. Any legal barrel length in 12,16 and 20-gauge are allowed. Magazine tube may be extended to the end of barrel. Period-correct external chokes are allowed.
  3. Carbines: All pump action, lever action, and semi-automatic in true pistol centerfire caliber originally manufactured by the end of WW2 are allowed. Wood furniture is required. Winchester 1905 S.L. 1907, if downloaded to 1550 fps or less and the Thompson carbine (SBR) allowed. Allowed includes registered full auto Thompson used in semi mode, the Suomi carbine, the M1 carbine in 9mm, and the Henry Homesteader 9mm, resembling a 1905/07 Winchester are allowed.

As you can see, we have done our best to incorporate as many of the firearms from the period as possible. I know many of you have some of these guns collecting dust in the back of your gun safes, now you have a reason to get them out and use them!  If you don't have them but are intrigued, come on out to the cowboy range the second Sunday or fourth Saturday of the month and watch the fun. We'll loan you the gear you need to give it a try!

For further information on this exciting new sport that was, in part, created right here at your gun club and is now spreading across the country and around the world, look for Historic 3-Gun on the club website or google Oklahoma Rough Riders. You can contact Tommy Hager directly, because he loves that.

Tommy Hager, aka Hondo Tweed
Oklahoma Rough Riders
Historic 3-Gun Division Chair, H3G Match Director