Smallbore Division - 22 F-Class 3x100 Matches

Match Bulletin

Open to members and non-members

Location -  OKC Gun Club Smallbore Range  24301 N. Hiwassee Rd Arcadia, OK.  
Date -  2nd Saturday,  January – December     (Refer to club calendar for any changes)

Time-Registration 7:30 AM – 8:15 AM   March – October     November – February 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Safety Briefing-  8:30 AM   March – October                          November – February 9:30 AM
Match- 9:00 AM -1:00 PM   March - October                           November – February 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
(Air temperature must be 45 degrees to begin the match)

Sporter –10.5# weight limit, bipod or front bag rest, rear support bag, scope
FTR –        18# weight limit, bipod, rear support bag, scope
F-Open -  22# weight limit, front machine rest or bipod, rear support bag, scope

Restrictions: Scope power is not restricted. Tubular magazines are prohibited. This is a single-shot timed match. Magazine rifles must use a single-shot adaptor or single-load magazine.

Course of Fire 
Match 1 - (3) min. Preparation, (22) min. for unlimited sighters, (20) shots for record @100yds
Match 2 - (3) min. Preparation, (20) min. for (2) sighters, (20) shots for record @ 100yds
Match 3 – (3) min. Preparation, (20) min. for (2) sighters, (20) shots for record @ 100yds

Entry Fee -  $20 Adults, Juniors 16 and younger Free    

Rules-  NRA F-Class 2024 Rule Book,  special provisions for 22 Rim Fire, NRA Smallbore Rule Book

Equipment -   Bipod or machine rest, rear bag rest, shooting mat, rifle, scope, count-down timer, safety glass, ear plugs, 75 rounds of ammo
Two fully equipped Anschutz club rifles and ammo are available on a first-come basis

Awards -  Metals for each division,  6 competitors  1st, 2nd 3rd , 4 competitors 1st, 2nd,
3 competitors 1st        (Must have three competitors to form a class)   

Range Rules -   Range rules are posted at the range, and all club rules apply                             


Kelly McNitt - 405.659.0522
Don Faulkenberry - 405.328.3167