This three-hour course is for the beginning shooter as well as anyone who would like to learn the fundamentals of using a shotgun safely for home defense from NRA Certified Instructor(s).  This course is an overview of the use of the shotgun as a home defense tool.  Included are the shotgun safety, parts and operations, ammunition selection and capabilities, fundamentals of shotgun shooting, and a basic strategy for home defense.

In addition, the course will cover selection of the home defense shotgun, modifications and accessories, care and maintenance, and safe storage.

The course includes live fire training where student will learn shooting techniques, loading/reloading techniques, safe handling, and patterning for optimum performance with personal coaching from experienced instructors/coaches. ​

This course is limited to 20 students.  Cost is $20.  Pre-Registration is required.  There will also be a waiting list available for class slots.

​Course Dates:  May 17th

Contact the Training Division Team at

Kemit Grafton
Jim Durham
Jamie Meyer405-613-6541

Basic Home Defense - Shotgun