The SDA Refresher course is to educate the student on changes to Oklahoma law regarding carrying a handgun for self-defense safely and legally.  In addition, there will be a Use of Force/Reasonable Person Standard discussion on proper use of force.  Next, students will learn the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of holsters. Students will also learn to carefully draw from a holster in a safe classroom environment.  Finally, students will proceed to the range to fire approximately 100 rounds from the holster and concealment.  The course is designed to build confidence and develop good habits when carrying a handgun for self-defense. 

The course is limited to 24 students and is open to both gun club members and non-members.

Student required items:

  • Firearm that they use/plan to use for self-defense.
  • Quality holster, outside waist band strong side or the holster student plans to use/uses to carry
  • Outer garment for concealment
  • 100 rounds of ammunition

Class times: 12 noon – 4 pm

Cost: No charge for gun club members, $10 fee for non-members. Pre-Registration is required.

Contact information for course Instructor: Mark Heins 405-651-5215


Contact the Training Division Team at

Kemit Grafton
Jim Durham
Jamie Meyer405-613-6541

Oklahoma Self Defense Act Refresher Course